There is Over one million foreign troops intermingled within the United States,Alaska,Hawaii, and all the territorial islands
(Puerto Rico,Guam,Marshall Islands) and in all 48 States. I have a reader in Anchorage, Alaska who says he sees tens of 1000's of
Russian and chinese troops conducting training exercises with U.S. troops there on a Daily basis.
Many are already intermingled in the now existing military bases and some are plain clothes in the local towns cuz U.S. Citizens and
residents cater to them. Some are hired temporarily in corporations which takes jobs away from Americans. Others on closed military bases.
Many have taken over the wilderness areas and National Parks thru
the Biosphere Habitat Act and owners. Many wildness areas a U.S. citizens cannot go into anymore and theyare blocked from entering these areas because the hostile foreigners are
being harbored there.
There Literally dozens of posts from U.S. Citizens who have seen them and talked with them. Some Citizens say that especially the Russians scorn us and have told the local
residents that they don't know whats happening snd very shortly the Russians will take over America.
The Chinesee and Germans say the same thing. There are also Lithuanians and Ukranians (really Russians) who are patrolling our U.S. city streets in Regional police cars
in traffic citations. They despise us and are just waiting for for the word from Clinton to crush us and take over.
REGIONAL POLICE????There no such animal!! oh, yeah? Well, the United Nations has divided up the world
into ten regions and eliminated all sovereign nations (on Paper). And the U.S. is divided up into 10 regions by U.N. and
F.E.M.A.. I sent out the map showing the 10 U.S. regions. Evidently there are 10 NWO rich elites who will rule the world and within each reason there 10 lesser rulers.